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Date: 2007
Dimensions: 88” x 30” x 36”
Media: Cast bronze
Commissioned by: Washington State Art in Public Places Program and the Bethel School District.
This-seven-foot tall bronze “throne” is themed on Mount Rainier. The new Graham-Kapowsin High School for which it was created has a spectacular view of the great peak. Text and images related to the Mountain decorate all surfaces. A bronze “tapestry” wraps the front and sides of the chair, picturing dozens of birds and wildflowers found in the Mount Rainier National Park. The rear of the chair shows a cross section of the volcano, indicating the original outline of the mountain before the eruption that radically changed its contour. The seat depicts the pattern of glaciers on the mountain. The chair revolves 360 degrees in either direction by means of a wheel on the back. The black-tinted concrete pad below the chair is inlaid with bronze castings indicating eight points of the compass.
Date: 2007
Dimensions: 88” x 30” x 36”
Media: Cast bronze
Commissioned by: Washington State Art in Public Places Program and the Bethel School District.
This-seven-foot tall bronze “throne” is themed on Mount Rainier. The new Graham-Kapowsin High School for which it was created has a spectacular view of the great peak. Text and images related to the Mountain decorate all surfaces. A bronze “tapestry” wraps the front and sides of the chair, picturing dozens of birds and wildflowers found in the Mount Rainier National Park. The rear of the chair shows a cross section of the volcano, indicating the original outline of the mountain before the eruption that radically changed its contour. The seat depicts the pattern of glaciers on the mountain. The chair revolves 360 degrees in either direction by means of a wheel on the back. The black-tinted concrete pad below the chair is inlaid with bronze castings indicating eight points of the compass.
Mount Rainier Vision Chair
A seven-foot-tall revolving cast bronze throne themed on Mount Rainier, visible to the right of the sculpture.
Mount Rainier Vision Chair installation
Judith Caldwell working on the finish of the newly installed bronze sculpture at Graham-Kapowsin High School.
Mount Rainier Vision Chair detail
This view of the back of the chair shows a cross section of the great volcano, along with quotations from John Muir, and a wheel that can be turned to rotate the cast bronze throne 360 degrees.
Mount Rainier Vision Chair Skirting detail
The front and sides of the cast bronze throne skirting are covered with images of birds and wildflowers from the National Park on Mount Rainier.
Mount Rainier Vision Chair detail
A close-up view of the cross-section of Mount Rainier in cast bronze, showing the interior structure of the volcano, and the height of the mountain before the last eruption.
Mount Rainier Vision Chair
This view of the cast bronze throne shows it rotated so that the high school is visible in the background. Students can change the position of the chair to any point on the compass.
Mount Rainier Vision Chair Snowflake detail
Four different cast bronze snowflake finials decorate the ends of the arms. Paradise on Mount Rainier is the snowiest place on earth where records are kept of snowfall.
Mount Rainier Vision Chair Snowflake detail
Cast bronze snowflake finial on the Mount Rainier Vision Chair at Graham-Kapowsin High School in Graham, Washington.